
OMG I'm actually updating! Yay! So I am really sorry but I had to remove my pageant, find it, and coupons. I just didn't have time to keep up with them. But my One Time Adoptions and Suggest a Baby are still open! If I ignored a Suggest a Baby you sent me, I'm really sorry and just resend it and I'll try to do it. I did add up 4 new suggest a babyz! They are really cute so you should check them out. I am working on a project that I can't upload now because I'm not completely done yet, but where I have adoptions were each baby comes with a doll that looks just like them. What do you think about that idea?

A baby has been adopted! I've add up new freebies so please look. Also, please enter my pageant!

Another baby has been adopted off the freebies page! Pageant judged!

A baby off the freebies page has been adopted, and I added up a suggest a hexie which is downloadable!

I am now BCRS registered so please enter my pageant.

I added up 5 new cuties to the freebies page that need to be adopted! I've also updated my pageant so please go and enter my new one. I am going to try to get my pageant BCRS registered so your babyz can earn points for winning.

2 more freebies have been adopted! Please adopt some because I have over 100 babyz that need to be adopted.

3 freebies have been adopted! Please go to the freebies page if you would like to adopt a baby.

Another freebie has been adopted! I have redid the freebies page so look around because there are many new babyz to be adopted!

One freebie has been adopted! If you have suggested a baby, I have not had much time to work on them, but I have not forgotten about them.

I have added 3 new suggest a babyz, and 2 of them are downloadable! The pageant really needs more entries.

I have added 2 new suggest a babyz both not downloadable. Please enter the pageant! I also added a released haircodes section!

I have updated the info on my coupons! I have also changed the location of my find it, and I have changed the prize! I have also added 2 new suggest a hexies.

I am out of school for the year! I should be able to update more often. I have added new hair textures for download. I have also judged the pageant and started a new one, so enter please. I added one new suggest a hexie.

Sorry for the lack of updates... I have gotton so much school work that I don't have much time to play babyz. I have added 7 new suggest a babyz. If you have suggested a baby and it is not on the page, please resuggest it. I also added 1 new clothes set on the set page. Please enter the pageant!

I added 4 new suggets a babyz! I got a new sister site so go check it out! I also added a few new clothes!

I judged my pageant and started a new one!

I have added 4 new suggestions and they are all downloadable! I have also added more downloadable babyz!

I have updated my suggest a babyz page. Now there are more hairstyles and colors! I also added 2 new suggestions! I need more pageant enteries.

I have closed my pageant for judging. I added one new suggestion and it is not downloadable. I also changed the location of my find it.
Later: Posted pageant awards!

I made a coupon section of my site! You should check it out. I also added 2 new suggestions and a find it.

I still need more pageant enteries before I can judge. I have added 4 new suggest a babyz and one is downloadable! I have still 2 more to do.

I judged my pageant and added more clothes. I added 4 new suggestions (2 downloadable). 3 freebies have been adopted. I also updated my babyz awards.

I added 3 new suggest a babyz (two are downloadable) and updated my hairstyles. I also updated my babyz awards. One freebie has been adopted. Please enter BOTH. I really need 2 more enteries before I can start the next round.

I judged my pageant and started a new one! I still have one more suggest a baby left to do, so I should have that up soon.

I added 2 new suggest a babyz and one is downloadable. I only need one more pageant entry before I can judge! I also updated my babyz awards!

I added 2 new suggest a babyz, but they are not for download so suggest your own! I still need at least 2 more pageant enteries and two more people to compete in the BOTH! 7/26/06
I added a bunch of freebies so go look. I updated my babyz awards. Please participate more! I need more pageant enteries and some contestents for the next round of BOTH. Also, feel free to suggest a baby, I am bored.

I added back the Suggest a Hexie! So now you must try it. I also added a my family page, but it is not compleatly done yet. Don't forget to enter the BOTH so we can start the next round!

I judged my pageant and made a new one! I also finished the BOTH and need some entrys for the next round!

I added more clothes for download!

I made a small clothes section and added a bunch of babyz for download. I temporarily got rid of hexing suggestion to revamp it. I will finish the suggestions after I get it back up.

I added 1 new baby suggestion but I still have one more to do. I judged my pageant so there is a new one! Also updated the votes for BOTH!

I added 2 new baby suggestions! The next round of BOTH has started and there is a new pageant.

I judged and started a new pageant! I need one more entry to start the next round of BOTH.

I added 2 new hexing suggestions! I judged BOTH and Ailia Lynn won! I need 2 more entries to start the next round.

I added 1 new hexing suggestion.

I am sorry for the lack of updates. If you entered my pageant, can you please resend me your entrys. I added lots of new hexed babyz to my site, so please check that out. I still need votes for BOTH so please vote.

I changed my look, judged my pageant and made a new one so please enter. I still need more votes for BOTH.

I judged my pageant and made a new one so please enter. I also started the next round of BOTH.

Sorry I have not updated for awile, I have been busy lately. I still need 2 more pageant entrys. I have added 8 new hexing request, but I still have more that I have not finished.

Please check out my forum. The link is above.

I added another suggest a hexie. Please enter my pageant!

Well, somehow my site was deleted off of mixcat and I haven't been able to re-upload it there. So, this is Hexies Galore's new address. Please link to me at http://babyz.shim.net I've also added 8 suggest a hexies.

I judged my pageant, made a new one, the second round of BOTH is over so I need more entries. I am sorry that I have not finished the Suggest a hexies, school work is getting in the way.

I added 4 new suggest a hexies.

If you have not noticed, I have updated my look! Please email me with what you think of it! Thats half the reson why I took so long to update. The other half is because my school gives out to much homework. Judged my pageant, made a new one so enter it. If you have suggested a baby but it is not yet up, it is because those take a wile to make and I have not had time to make them.

Next round of BOTH is up! Please vote so you can download the winners.

Added 6 new suggest a babyz. Got a new sister site! Go check it out!

Judged my pageant, made a new one, please enter. I also judged the BOTH, the winner is posted, please enter that too. I also won SOTM at Babyz in Purple, thankyz!

I had over 1,000 hits to my site so I added a whole bunch of babyz on lots of pages!

I added a new suggest a hexie.

My host went down for a few days but it is working for now. Sorry if I have not been updateing, my school just started and I don't have as much time to update. I added another suggest a hexies and I still need votes for BOTH because it is at a tie.

I added another suggest a hexies and I still need votes for BOTH.

Please vote in the BOTH for the one you want to win because the winner gets to be downloadable. I have also juded my pageant so please enter.

I juged my pageant and made a new one. I got 1 entry in BOTH, please enter.

I added 5 new babyz to my Extreme Cuties page. Please enter my pageant.

I added a new suggest a baby.

I added a new suggest a baby, judged my pageant, and made a new one. Please enter.

I added a new suggest a baby.

I judged the pageant and sent out the awards. Have a new pageant, please enter.

Two new suggest a babyz are up.

Another suggest a baby is up.

I added 4 new suggest a babyz, juged my pageant, and made a new pageant.

I added 2 new suggest a babyz.

I added 13 new hexed babyz and 2 new babyz for my suggest a baby page.

I got three new babyz on my suggest a babyz page. Please go look.

I added another suggest a babyz on page1. I got over 100 on my counter so you can download a special baby here. I don't got a pic of her because I want her to be a suprise so click here to download her.

I added a suggest a babyz page. Please go try it. I got a site award :) and a new sister site so please check them out.

I added over 40 new babyz to my pages. Please go and check them out. I also got a new sister site and added another page.

This is the first day of my new site so please look around and tell me what you think.